The following is a post by IT-oLogy Columbia Executive Director Todd Lewis.
As we at IT-oLogy continue our college roadshow to promote Coursepower and the 18 hour Applied Computing minor one thing is becoming clear – student and parent interest is extremely high.
While the sheer level of interest has been mildly surprising even to us, I do believe it is yet another indicator that technology education is increasingly being viewed as a must have as opposed to something optional that one may or may not use. I can say without hesitation this would not have occurred just two or three years ago.
The most common response we get from parents and students, along with a positive head nod is “absolutely, makes perfect sense…technology really is in everything these days.” As proof, we now have more than 300 students signed up to receive CoursePower specifics and more information after just a few new student orientation sessions, and we expect between 750 and 1,000 before sessions end in early August. For a new minor that few if any of the people we’re talking to have heard of, that is amazing.
What does this mean and why should you be interested? For those in middle or high school it means a tremendous option is available to you as you consider and enter college, one that will make you more marketable and may increase your earning potential. The same goes for existing college students and even professionals needing a baseline understanding of tech. For businesses it means a supply of graduates with foundational technology skills will soon be available. For economic development officials it means they now have a competitive advantage when recruiting businesses of all types, because every business is enabled by IT and needs skilled workers. For everyday citizens, it means more businesses will be retained and recruited, which enhances the tax base and creates more opportunity for everyone.
As we continue to grow IT-oLogy and promote programs like CoursePower, we continue to need the help of everyone to make it a success. If you haven’t been invited to join us, consider this an invitation and contact us today. We need CoursePower ambassadors who understand the program and can passionately spread the word, as well as teachers, counselors, advisors, and administrators to help advance IT curriculum and the profession in general.
We hope you join us and change the system and society as we know it. We are truly at the beginning of something transformative.
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