IT-oLogy K-12 Programs Overview
IT-oLogy believes that real, systemic change begins with early childhood education continuing through IT career professional development, creating a cradle-to-career pipeline. All of our core K-12 programs integrate soft skills creating the “Whole IT Professional.”
Boys Who Code Club
IT-oLogy’s Boys Who Code Club will teach South Carolina boys in grades 6-12 the fundamentals of coding, its history, technology evolution, cyber safety and cyber careers. Students will learn to code, program interactive stories, create apps, animations and games with engaging activities with Hour of Code™. Students will also be introduced to artificial intelligence and the basics of machine learning. Hour of Code™ on-demand resources will also help nurture problem-solving skills, logic, creativity, and starts a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path. During IT-oLogy’s workshops, students will explore HTML, JavaScript, Python and Scratch programming languages and most importantly, have FUN coding!
Girls Who Code Club
IT-oLogy’s Girls Who Code Club is meant for girls to join our sisterhood of supportive peers and role models and use Computer Science to change the world. Girls learn from fun coding tutorials, build community through interactive activities and learn about inspiring role models. They learn the concepts of loops, variables, conditionals and functions that form the basis of all programming languages. Girls also work in teams to design and build a Girls Who Code Project that solves real world problems through code.
Cyber Field Trips
IT-oLogy delivers technology content to students either at your site or virtually. Virtual Field Trips and IT enrichment programs cross all disciplines and meet South Carolina Department of Education Computer Science Standards, ITEEA Standards in Technology Literacy and ISTE National Education Technology Standards. All programs are project-based and customizable for all ages, unless otherwise noted in the description. Previous experience with technology or programming is not required for any topic.
Tech-In-A-Box Summer Camps
IT-oLogy’s Tech-In-A-Box program is an innovative, three-day, virtual learning experience for students to experience the excitement of technology. Everything needed for the workshops is mailed directly to the students’ door and is theirs to keep. The supply boxes are filled full of STEAM supplies and technology gadgetry to use during the weekly workshops. Additional hands-on activities and on-demand learning resources are also provided to complement lessons learned in our virtual classroom. Through project-based learning, students find comfort in knowing they can work at their own pace, and openly share their innovative ideas and creativity around coding and circuitry. The activities and challenges do not require any previous technical experience and are designed with gaming attributes. IT-oLogy’s Tech-In-A-Box program reinforces STEM concepts and computer science state standards to support what our students are learning in school and inspire them to one day pursue a career in IT. Tech-In-A-Box allows students of multiple experience levels the space to learn something new and most importantly, have fun!
Awards for Aspirations in Computing
IT-oLogy is the South Carolina Affiliate for the Aspirations in Computing award. The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing builds a talent pool for the growing technical workforce and helps academic and corporate organizations celebrate diversity in computing by honoring young women at the high-school level for their computing-related achievements and interests. Award recipients are selected based on their aptitude and aspirations in technology and computing; leadership ability; academic history; and plans for post-secondary education. Interested high school young women can apply, starting in September. Winners are announced the following year in March.
K-12 Tutoring Workshops
IT-oLogy offers private, virtual tutoring workshops for K-12 students who want to learn how to code. Students will be taught by one of IT-oLogy’s certified instructors during a two-hour virtual workshop. The cost of each workshop is $50, and all students are welcome regardless of current skill level. IT-oLogy offers several workshop topics for students that wish to build their skills with Python, Scratch and Java coding. These specialized workshops allow students to explore the field of information technology in a way that traditional schooling doesn’t.
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