Open IT Lab speaks to 40 at SC Municipal Technology Association

By September 13, 2012 IT-oLogy Defined

Open IT LabThe Open IT Lab spoke to more than 40 municipal technology managers at the SC Municipal Technology Association’s annual meeting on Thursday, September 6. The meeting took place in Charleston at the Francis Marion Hotel.

The topic of discussion was the definition of open source, the top 10 open source technologies available today, and the pros and cons associated with using open source. The topic was requested because more managers in the public sector are being asked to save budget dollars while maintaining existing levels of performance, security, etc.

Jarrell Waggoner and Jim Salter discussed the pros and cons and the top 10 technologies available and fielded questions from the audience. Todd Lewis talked about IT-oLogy, the Open IT Lab, and the various workshops made available by both.

More information about the Open IT Lab and upcoming workshops can be found online at or at

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