Are you planning to spend money on professional development and training opportunities this year? If so, we are excited to share an opportunity with you. New Horizons is a large supporter of IT-oLogy and the programs we run to meet our mission of advancing IT talent. New Horizons is an independent IT training company, offering a full range of technology and business skills training from basic application and desktop productivity tools to complex IT systems.
New Horizons has pledged to donate a minimum of $25,000 to IT-oLogy through vouchers for their training opportunities!
We need your help to receive the $25,000+ donation! How? Simple! Check out the training offered by New Horizons and if there’s something you’re interested in, register and let them know you’d like to use the IT-oLogy voucher. Your company pays New Horizons for the training as you normally would, and they will then donate the dollar amount of your training ($25,000+) to IT-oLogy.
Why is this important? The $25,000+ contribution from New Horizons will go towards program funding that will be kicking off over the next few months, including camps for high school students, our Student as Professional program, the IT Gateway and Next Generation IT Internship Program for undergraduate and graduate students and conferences and workshops for professionals.
If you’re planning on training this year, please consider taking a look at New Horizon’s offerings and see if this year you can not only help your staff’s skillsets, but also help IT-oLogy!