In case you missed the big news: our Cyber Saturday program is expanding! IT-oLogy hosted a meet-and-greet in Eutawville, SC, on May 2nd, where over 40 people attended! This was a phenomenal first step on our mission to expand IT into rural areas. We sat down with our PromoteIT Director Jamesetta James to get to know more behind our Cyber Saturday expansion.
Why are we expanding?
Jamesetta James: Our services are currently offered to K12 students in the Columbia, Charleston, and Greenville areas as well as in Charlotte, NC. However, there is also a great need to provide students in rural areas the opportunity to explore and experience technology in new ways and learn about the variety of career path available into the IT profession. Cyber Saturday is just the program to offer that, and Eutawville provides a unique opportunity as our first expansion of IT learning. This expansion opportunity is made possible by a Innovation Grant awarded by the South Carolina Department of Commerce to IT-oLogy to expand its Cyber Saturday programs also to underserve and underrepresented areas.
JJ: First, it’s located in Orangeburg Consolidated School District 3, which is where I attended elementary, middle and high school. Growing up, it was obvious that more could be done to advance the town, so bringing technology to the area is just the boost that it needs. Secondly, it’s important that the Eutawville community do not miss out on the opportunities available in the IT job market now and in the upcoming years. Although the town is not considered a booming town, or someplace you would think of as a “technology hub,” there are untapped potential waiting to be discovered.
Can we expect more expansion in the future?
JJ: Absolutely! Eutawville is just one of the three rural sectors where we’re planning to grow our program. Cyber Saturday will also be expanded in Berkley and Greenville Counties rural communities and particularly their Title I schools.
What is the overall impact you hope to have on the towns where Cyber Saturday is expanded?
JJ: In one word: exposure. When someone is exposed to something new, their curiosity is piqued and leaves them wanting to learn more. At our Eutawville Meet and Greet event on May 2nd, curiosities were definitely heightened by each student displaying his or her creative thinking, logical and problem solving skills to complete the assigned tasks. What a fun filled day had by all.