Would you like to share your typical work day with students and others interested in learning about your job? We invite you to be “shadowed” at work by our students for a “virtual job shadowing” project using Twitter. On November 15, (and again on March 7) IT professionals like you can send tweets throughout the day about your job duties for the day (meetings you attend, special projects you are working on, etc.). Students will be able to respond to tweets with real-time questions and participate in supplemental activities in the classroom as they learn about the jobs.
This unique virtual job shadowing opportunity allows you to
• share career information, casually, with little interruption to your business day
• have significant interaction with future workers
• use social media to market your profession
And, students will be able to
• broaden their knowledge of the World of Work without having to leave campus.
• have the knowledge to make an informed career decision
Make an impact in a student’s career decision-making process by sharing your job. Who knows, you could be tweeting with a future co-worker!
Want to know more or get involved? Contact Allison Rosemond, Career Specialist at Greer Middle School today! Allison’s contact information is [email protected].
Sounds like a great project! I want to shadow a Programmer Analyst, since I’ll be graduating from the GRIT Programmer Analyst certification program in January 2013 as an Oracle Certified Associate @christitanner
Hi Christine! The Twitter Virtual Job Shadow program is actually for the students at Greer Middle School. We are looking for IT folks to let these students “shadow” them via Twitter!