Information Technology is a field I never pictured myself in. I honestly did not think I could handle it. However, when I got to college, the idea of computer science turned from hacking video games to applied knowledge of technology to better serve your field of interest. I was encouraged to focus less on learning IT to fill a requirement and more on how I could develop my applied computing skills to enhance my ability to fulfill my passions. As an aspiring writer, it is becoming vital to market yourself as an eloquent communicator and technologically literate. Information Technology has an astounding array of job descriptions, making someone with an applied computing minor extraordinarily marketable and competitive. I am a writing for print and digital media major at Columbia College with minors in leadership, public relations, cultural anthropology, and applied computing. Within my major and minors, I have not taken a class that does not include some sort of computer-based learning. I am inspired by IT leaders in the community that push every student to look beyond what they think they can do into enhancing their education, and ultimately, their life-long careers.
-Ashley Lauren Fleming