The following blog post was written by Riverwood Associates partner, Scott Luton. Have you heard about or has your organization experienced challenges related to the skills gap that persists in the United States? You are certainly not alone. Consider these findings: In 2012, according to a study conducted by the…
Grow IT Archives - IT-oLogy
Information technology (IT) is driving innovation and impacting job creation and growth across all sectors of our economy. IT-oLogy, the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the South Carolina Research Authority, and South Carolina Department of Commerce have teamed up for a day-long summit to address issues and opportunities facing South…
IT-oLogy will host its second annual Summit on Information Technology in early March of 2015. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us at IT-oLogy headquarters in downtown Columbia. The one-day conference will focus on the policy, education/workforce development, economic development and capital aspects of technology. The event will…
The following blog post was written by IT-oLogy Charlotte Executive Director, Kay Read. The Women and IT Science and Engineering (WISE) held their annual holiday LeadHERship luncheon with a panel discussion on the topic ‘Mentor Me in IT’. Attendees included professional women and men and special guests, students from Charlotte…
The following blog post was written by IT-oLogy Charlotte Executive Director, Kay Read. There is much excitement around the planning for the Blue Diamond IT Awards celebration. Seventy-four nominations have been submitted for eight awards. “This is a record breaking number of nominations. We were surprised to learn the nominations…
The following blog post was written by Todd Lewis. We are extremely pleased to announce the Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, better known as POSSCON, will be held in Columbia on Tuesday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 15. This will mark the eighth year of the event and will be…
Part 2 of a 3 Part Series This guest post was written by IT-oLogy partner, Riverwood Associates. In Part 1, you took a diagnostic test to assess your understanding of Lean Six Sigma. Your next question might be, “Why should I become a Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt? The…
With months of hard work by IT-oLogy, its partners, and speakers, Trends 2014 went off without a hitch last Thursday, November 6th. In-depth discussions into the Internet of Things, including both the benefits and downfalls, gave attendees a grasp of the direction in which the information technology and digital fields…
The following guest blog post was written by IT-oLogy Charlotte Executive Director, Kay Read. Analysts Discuss Key Issues Facing the IT Industry During Gartner Symposium/ITxpo: “By 2015, 4.4 million IT jobs globally will be created to support big data, generating 1.9 million IT jobs in the United States,” said Peter…
In August, IT-oLogy’s own Alicia Thibaudet, Jon Bartschi and Lawrence Ford were invited by, with about 100 others, to attend an action packed professional development weekend in Las Vegas. The new K-5 Affiliate program, which is focused on coding curriculum for elementary schools, has developed 3 bands of…