Meet Chris Koparova, an IT-oLogy Star Student! Chris is a member of IT-oLogy’s Boys Who Code club!
We caught up with Chris to ask him a few questions about his experience with learning to code:
Chris is in 5th grade.
What or who initially sparked your interest in coding/STEM?
My dad!
Which of your tech/coding projects are you the most proud of?
The Snake Game
What are your favorite coding languages?
Javascript and Python
Tell us about your experience with IT-oLogy’s Boys Who Code club.
I started Boys Who Code in December 2021. I really liked talking about coding with the other participants. I also really appreciated Ms. Roshona being so nice.
What have you learned that has made an important difference to you?
Learning about how to code, the different coding languages, and about how fun it is to build a website and make games!