Dr. Eben Upton, the creator of the Raspberry Pi, will be visiting South Carolina next week as part of a hackerspace tour. Eben, who lives in Cambridge, England, is in the United States this week to speak at World Maker Faire New York about the first six months after launching the Raspberry Pi.
The Raspberry Pi is a $35 credit-card-sized microcomputer that Eben created to stimulate the teaching of basic computer science in schools. The Raspberry Pi’s launch was so hotly anticipated by open hardware enthusiasts that the websites of the two licensed UK vendors crashed due to extremely high traffic. Over 500,000 of these computers have already been sold.
Eben will tour IT-oLogy and the Open IT Lab at 1 pm on Thursday, October 4. He will then speak in Dr. Karen Patten’s ITEC 564 “Project Management for Information Systems” course at 2 pm at IT-oLogy. ITEC 564 is one of several University of South Carolina courses being taught at IT-oLogy this semester. The public is welcome to attend the free 2 pm lecture; please register on our website if you plan to attend.
If you are not able to be here for this special event, we encourage you to contact us to arrange a tour to see our Lab and our copy of the Raspberry Pi.