We all know that the amount of female computer science majors is low. Carolinas Women in Computing (CWIC) is a place for you to interact with other women in the same field of study as you. Technology changes fast so there is sure to be some Lightning talk or Birds of a feather talk that would interest you. I’m sure there are knowledgeable people out there that love to teach people about things, so there are opportunities for you too. Present a poster or Lightning talk to fellow Computer Science majors.
I’m looking forward to interacting with professionals in different fields revolving around technology and computing. There is a career fair at the end of the conference as well. Putting yourself out there is important for anything you will do. Also, connections are critical in the career field, so it doesn’t hurt to make friends.
As my informal answer… I’m a computer nerd. If someone says there is a conference where you can chat with other like minded people, of course I’m going to be interested! So if you are like me, why not come? I’m sure you will be able to talk to many interesting people. And you can always look for me there.
Signing off for the night,
Nadia Rodriguez
Register now @ www.carolinaswic.org.