More than 30 Attend Linux Administration 101

By September 17, 2012 IT-oLogy Defined

More than 30 people attended the Linux Administration 101 workshop held Thursday, September 13 at IT-oLogy. Attendees included high school and college students, as well as current IT professionals from local companies and government organizations.

The  workshop meant to familiarize participants with the basics of Linux systems administration with a heavy focus on Debian and Debian derivatives, such as Ubuntu. Ubuntu was the distribution used.

Attendees learned the basics of using the Bash command shell, about important configuration files that control system behavior, about package management, system backup and restoration, and they got an overview of the directory structure underneath the Ubuntu system. Jim Salter, a well known Linux expert, conducted the workshop and took questions from attendees.

For more information about the Open IT Lab and future open source workshops go to

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