The following blog post was written by IT-oLogy Charlotte Executive Director, Kay Read.
The Women and IT Science and Engineering (WISE) held their annual holiday LeadHERship luncheon with a panel discussion on the topic ‘Mentor Me in IT’. Attendees included professional women and men and special guests, students from Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, CPCC and UNC Charlotte. The panel of executive women represented Belk, Duke Energy, KPMG, queen-connect and TIAA-CREF.
The official re-launch of WISE, under the IT-oLogy umbrella, is scheduled for the evening of January 26th. WISE is partnering with the National Center for Women and IT (NCWIT) for an evening discussion on ROI in a gender diverse workforce and the benefits of men and women promoting women in the IT profession. Our distinguished panel includes: Chris Estes, State of NC CIO, Steve Hagood, SVP and CIO, Ingersoll Rand, Laurie Readhead, Corporate CIO, Bank of America, Jeff Stovall, CIO, City of Charlotte and Theresa Wilson, EVP and CIO, Wells Fargo. A keynote by an NCWIT executive on ‘The Impact of Gender Diversity on Technology Business Performance’ precedes the panel discussion.
For sponsorship opportunity and event information, contact Kay Read, [email protected]