InfoCamp SC is a two day unconference happening at IT-oLogy on October 1st and 2nd. It’s cast from the mold made by the original InfoCamp, an event hosted annually in Seattle. InfoCamps embrace open source development and web paradigms of networked communications to discuss, play with and create solutions for problems and challenges involving information.
InfoCamp SC draws people from across fields and disciplines, from experts to neophytes, to participate actively in creating new forms of knowledge. InfoCamp SC will be a chance to network across disciplines. Whether librarians, web designers, UX engineers, or someone looking to activate their passion for information, InfoCamp SC is the place to come and develop the next killer app. It’s a place to find new ways to visualize and use information. InfoCamp SC will help information workers build a better world.
At InfoCamp SC, you can:
-Participate, whatever your skill level, in developing new ideas about information
– Facilitate a session. InfoCamp’s schedule is designed interactively. If you’re a beginner, ask a question and get help designing a solution. Seasoned professionals can gain access to new ways of conceptualizing issues, and help from peers with testing products and methods.
– Have a chance to build a better world. InfoCamp SC offers a unique environment for people to collaborate and design new products and services in the information environment. Whether you have a prototype that needs testing or an idea that needs developing, InfoCamp provides a creative space where creative people can help each other create the next big thing.
– Network. InfoCamp SC will bring people interested in creating connections from different spheres of information work. Attendees will range from a tech savvy librarian interested in spreading technology across the digital divide, to social engineers interested in activist structures, to web developers and computer engineers interested in helping their companies reach wider audiences, to artists working for database vendors, to more.
Come to Columbia, SC on October 1st and 2nd. Listen, learn, teach, pitch, and participate in InfoCamp’s seven sessions. Finish with friends, knowledge, skills, and connections that didn’t exist before. Make a better world!
Blog post contributed by Zach Frazier. Zach is in his second year at the University of South Carolina’s Masters of Library and Information Sciences Program. He can be reached at [email protected].