Coursepower represents a much-needed response to a problem that many employers across South Carolina face. It can be maddeningly difficult for organizations to find ready-to-work, tech-savvy employees.
The issue is hardly unique to the Palmetto State. It’s a concern that spans the nation. If we don’t invest in training students in the skills they need to thrive in the modern workplace, we’ll face a shortfall of talent when we need it most.
This is why coursepower has been created. We’ve started with education, the basis for long-term, positive solutions. Over time, students will graduate with minors or certificates in Applied Computing. They will spend their studies learning how their interests are affected by technology. They will get their hands dirty with practical experience integrating their digital lifestyle into their career paths. They will emerge from the program with a clear vision that information technology is not just for programmers or technicians; it’s for them.
Employers will begin to see a change in the emerging workforce. Instead of a dearth of talent, we’ll begin to develop a rich talent pipeline. Better, we’ll identify people with potential early on and keep them in South Carolina. Benefits will accrue far beyond the lowering of recruiting or training costs. Ready-to-work employees with a solid underpinning in technology will help organizations stay relevant in the digital market. Well-rounded individuals who stake their careers at the intersection of technology, the humanities and business will help push organizations forward.
There is no downside to an investment in educating our future workforce.
So let’s get to it.