On Wednesday, May 26th South Carolina Superintendent of Education, Molly Spearman, visited several schools in Greenville County and she culminated her visit by speaking at the Public Education Partners Luncheon. She had much to say to a room full of local business leaders, community members and local educators. She was impressed with how progressive Greenville was and how engaged the community was with area schools. But beyond her pleasantries about Greenville a few things hit home for me in my efforts to promote the IT‑oLogy Upstate offerings. She stressed the importance of engaging partnerships, creating opportunities for students in rural areas, continuing to build the technology infrastructure for virtual communications, creating career opportunities to serve the children across those imaginary district lines and replicating these programs to all communities. All of these points are exactly what IT-oLogy promotes and prides itself on accomplishing again and again in every Cyber
Saturday it delivers across many counties in South Carolina. IT-oLogy Upstate is actively looking for those engaging partnerships so that we too can begin making those crucial connections to the students that Molly speaks of and that we at IT-oLogy know make a difference. If you would like to be a part of our success in the Upstate please contact Lisa Calhoun at [email protected].
IT-oLogy Upstate will be delivering a modified Cyber Saturday on June 27th as part of the iMAGINE Upstate Transportation Hack-A-Thon. Keep checking Eventbrite for further details about this upcoming event.